Hakim is a primitive outdoor survival expert beginning as a student in the U.S. Army Survival, Escape, Resistance and Evasion (SERE) School. After the military, he went on to receive advanced survival training at Earth Connections Survival School (VA) and has since been honing his skills around the world. He is now recognized as a world-class survival expert, the first professional-level African-American survivalist in the country – specializing in survival, defense and escape tactics within both wilderness and urban environments.
A combat veteran of the Iraq war, deploying during both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, Hakim served as a Psychological Operations Sergeant in the Special Operations Forces unit of the United States Army.
A sixth degree black belt in To-Shin Do (modern Ninjutsu) as taught by world-renowned author, Black Belt Hall of Fame member and American Ninja Master Stephen K. Hayes. Hakim is also a Filipino Martial Artist and teacher holding the rank of Certified Instructor in FCS Kali and Guro in Black Tiger Kali.
Co-founder of Spirit Quest, a non-profit organization aimed at assisting at-risk youth, and Founder and Director of The SOIL Foundation, a wilderness therapy and retreat non-profit dedicated to helping our nation’s heroes and youth cope and recover from emotional challenges. A board member of the Rape Crisis Volunteer center in his hometown, Hakim has served as a continuing education instructor volunteering countless hours teaching a women’s self-defense course that he developed called Assailant Countering Tactics (A.C.T.). He also developed a military and special teams combative system – Battlefield Proximity Combat (B.P.C.) – and a law enforcement self-defense tactics course – Hands On Subject Strategies (H.O.S.S.) – which he has taught to multiple military and law enforcement officers.
Proprietor of Elevo Dynamics a 10,000 square foot, 24-hour Family Gym & Martial Arts Facility (a DOJYM) located in historic downtown Fayetteville, North Carolina.